Saisko mitään tieteoo Robert Swindellsistä?
Robert Swindellsistä ei juuri tietoa löydy. Suomeksi häneltä on ilmestynyt 4 kirjaa: Huone 13, 1991; Hirviö, 1992; Lohikäärmeen sisällä, 1993 ja Kivikovat kadut, 1997.
Kirjallisuusarvosteluja-lehdessä 1997 n:o 4, s. 65 ja n:o 6-7, s. 115 ja 1998, n:o 2, s. 22 löytyy arvostelu viimeisimmästä kirjasta. Portti-lehdessä on ollut seuraava arvostelu: Mustonen Sirpa: Hirviö , 1992 ; 4 ; 93. Voit kysyä lehtiä lähikirjastostasi.
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Contempraty Author-cdromilta Swindellsistä löytyy seuraavat tiedot (lyhennetysti):
SWINDELLS, Robert (Edward), born March 20, 1939, in Bradford, England; son of Albert Henry (in sales) and Alice (Lee) Swindells; married; children: Linda, Jill. Home and Office: 86 Sapgate Lane, Thornton, Bradford BD13 3DY, Yorkshire, England. CAREER: Telegraph and Argus, Bradford, England, copyholder, 1954-57, advertising clerk, 1960-67; engineer at Hepworth & Grandage (turbine manufacturer), 1967-69; elementary school teacher in Bradford, 1972-77; part-time teacher, 1977-80; writer, 1980--.AWARDS, HONORS: Other Award, 1984, Children's Book Award, 1984, runner-up for Carnegie Medal, 1984, and runner-up for Teenage Fiction Prize, 1984, all for Brother in the Land.
Robert Swindells told CA: "I have wanted to be a writer ever since I was thirteen. Adverse circumstances gave me no real opportunity until, in 1969, I began a three-year teacher training at Huddersfield Polytechnic. Then I wrote my first novel for children. I am now a full-time writer. I want to be famous and rich, in that order, and as soon as possible; but more, much more than this, I would like to live to see the day when every child everywhere will enjoy a childhood without hunger, anxiety, war, or any form of deprivation."
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