Laulun sanat tai osa niistä: Where's the flame that kept you on motion. Did it burn out as well. Where's the flame, could you take it with you. Where are you…


Laulun sanat tai osa niistä:
Where's the flame that kept you on motion. Did it burn out as well.
Where's the flame, could you take it with you.
Where are you now, do you think of us.
Where are you now.
Are you alone/ will I ever know.
Is it somewhere I can find you.
Somewhere there sun always shines.

Death is not the end, it's return to innosence.

Mikä on laulun nimi ja kuka on sen esittäjä?



Kyseessä on belgialais-alankomaalaisen 2 Unlimited -yhtyeen kappale "Where Are You Now" vuodelta 1993. Se julkaistiin alun perin yhtyeen toisella albumilla No Limits.


"Where Are You Now" (sanoitukset)

"Where Are You Now" (Allmusic)

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