I need information on a Finnish Woman Photographer.I have to write a paper for my Photography Class at Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan U…


I need information on a Finnish Woman
Photographer.I have to write a paper
for my Photography Class at Northern
Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan
U.S.A. Could you please send me some names
and information or goide me to any web sites
that could give me information about a Finnish
Woman Photographer. I need it as soon as
possible. I have searched out Public Library,
Campus Library and the World Wide Web with no
luck. Thank you for your help.



Here you have some names and www-addresses: http://www.netsonic.fi/laterna/artists/index html, The Finnish Museum of Photography http://www.fmp.fi , http://www.kuva.fi/users/elena/index.html , http://www.finhost.fi/merja_salo/. I hope these are useful for you!

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