I'm looking for books about childbirth and pregnancy in English. Does the library have such books?


I'm looking for books about childbirth and pregnancy in English. Does the library have such books?



Yes, there are quite a few books about childbirth and pregnancy in Helsinki city library and if you dig in the collections of Espoo and Vantaa city libraries, you'll find even more.

There is "New pregnancy book pregnancy book--a complete guide to...", available at the moment in Töölö, Rikhardinkatu and Main Libraries or "Mackonochie, Alison: The complete book on pregnancy and babycare", available in Itäkeskus, just to mention a few.

You can browse the collections over the Internet (www.libplussa.fi); you'll find the English version at the bottom of the page. The Plussa bibliographic database also displays up-to-date availability data. Using "basic search",
choose "Subject heading or class" 617.8 and "display material in"

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