Can you tell me how or where I can find information for when my husband's family who migrated to the US in 1881? The family was in Helsingfors and they named…


Can you tell me how or where I can find information for when my husband's family who migrated to the US in 1881? The family was in Helsingfors and they named Sweden as the Country for which Helsingfors was part of Sweden at the time. I do not know anything else about them except they migrated in 1881.



Institute of Migration has a service for genealogists and the descendants of Finnish Emigrants which is called The Emigrant Register. Sources include passport records, passenger records of the Finland Steamship Company (Suomen Höyrylaiva Osakeyhtiö) and information on Finns deceased abroad. For your enquiry the following details are needed: All known names of the emigrant (also patronym if known) and birth date/year. Passport records can be searched online from the homepage.

Siirtolaisuusinstituutti -- Migrationsinstitutet -- Institute of Migration
Address: Piispankatu 3, 20500 Turku, FINLAND
Telephone: 02-2317 536 (from other countries +358-2-2317 536)
Fax: 02-2333 460 (from other countries +358-2-2333 460)
Email to Webmaster:

Other sources of information are

The Genealogical Society of Finland
Liisankatu 16 A
FIN-00170 Helsinki
Telephone +358-9-278 1188
Fax +358-9-278 1199

and Kansallisarkisto, the Finnish National Archive. There might be some local information about migration of Helsinki citizens.

Rauhankatu 17
00170 Helsinki
Puh. (09) 228521
Fax (09) 176302

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