Kauanko tuon -273 asteen lämpötilan täytyisi minimissään olla että se aiheuttaisi jonkunlaisen katastrofin maapallolla? |
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Löysin tietoa siitä, että ihmisen iho jäätyy sekunneissa jo - 66 celsiusasteen lämpötilassa.
"The use of wind chill is to show the effective temperature at a particular wind speed. For instance inlm conditions at -29°C a well clothed person is in little danger, if we add to this temperature, a light wind of 10mph, this will then give the same effect as a still air temperature of -44°C when exposed flesh can freeze in a minute or so. Increasing the wind to a breeze of 25mph gives an equivalent of -66°C with severe danger to exposed flesh within seconds rather than minutes. This is one of the reasons why Antarctica is such an extreme environment, it is often both very cold and very windy." https://www.coolantarctica.com/Antarctica%20fact%... |