Kommentoi vastausta

Minulla saattaisi olla idea. Michael Rosen -niminen mies kirjoitti runon alkuperäisenä teoksena nimeltään "We're going on a bear hunt" vuonna 1989, jonka sanat menevät samalla tavalla.

"We're going on a bear hunt.
We're going to catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.
Long wavy grass.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!
Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!
We're going on a bear hunt.
We're going catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared.
A river!
A deep cold river.
We can't go over it.
We can't go under it.
Oh no!
We've got to go through it!
Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!
We're going on a bear hunt.
We're going catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We're not scared. "

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