I am representing an Estonian company Raamatuvahetus. I would like to get information about books databases in Finland. I understand that Fennica have only…


Hello. I am representing an Estonian company Raamatuvahetus. I would like to get information about books databases in Finland. I understand that Fennica have only books from Finnish authors, but is there any database which includes all books (including from Finnish authors) published in Finland? Including all the genres starting from fiction up to scientific and studying material. In Estonia we have similar database in our National Library (http://www.nlib.ee/en) and their database is for public use. I try to find something similar in Finland? Or maybe you know who could help me concerning this case. You may answer in finnish if it is easier.

Thanks in advance.
Tarmo Tarlap




Fennica is the database of the National Library of Finland and it includes foreign authors and other languages too. You can read more about the collection policy of the National Library of Finland here:


We also have Finna and Melinda databases. In Finna you can search material from all archives, libraries and museums in Finland. Melinda is a union catalogue of Finnish libraries. Both work in English too.



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