Tiedän että 'Stonehenge' nimen alkukohta, stone taroittaa kiveä mutta mikän tuo "henge" on?


Tiedän että 'Stonehenge' nimen alkukohta, stone taroittaa kiveä mutta mikän tuo "henge" on?



Oxford English Dictionary sanoo seuraavaa (s.v. Stonehenge):

The name is a compound of stone and an element of uncertain origin, probably related to hang. It is often taken to be a reflex of Old English hengen (a derivative of the base of hang, probably pronounced with affricate //), which denotes various instruments of torture (to which the sufferer is attached); in the context of Stonehenge, this may have referred to a gallows, since some of the stone settings resemble an early medieval gallows (there is also some evidence that Stonehenge may have been used as a place of execution at that period). Alternatively, it has been suggested that the second element reflects a (related) unattested Old English form *hencg (on which see hinge; perhaps compare also henge-clif overhanging cliff).

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